I Hate To Tell You, But...
We Are Getting PIMPED...
By Our Politicians, Professors, and Pundits!
If your gut tells you, neither side knows how to solve our biggest issues, nor has a plan to help All Americans win...trust it, it's right!
Our country's politicos imply the sky is falling, and insinuates the American Apocalypse is at hand. They say Poverty is rising; capitalism is causing unjust Inequalities; the Middle-class is shrinking; people's Pay is completely unfair; Education results don't really matter; and the Dream is dead and dying. If that were not enough, we are told our country is inherently rigged and racist.
In my new book, Pimping The Poor, I prove, the claims above are a complete distortion of the truth. Our nation has some real problems to address, but like Salvador Dali, our politicos paint a warped view of reality. Their frightening view of the world makes us doubt the good things we once knew to be true about our people and our nation. This divides us, fuels animosity, and gets us to make decisions based on emotions instead of reason, or what is best for All Americans.
It is frustration to watch. Each side prefers to look for who to blame instead of focusing on what is causing these problems. The Left condemns one set of citizens; the Right attacks another. It's politically powerful, but it gets all of us, nowhere. Worse, they make it seem like the only way to survive is to support their particular policies, their ideologies, and their campaigns.
When it comes to problem solving, both sides merely scratch the surface. They are not properly analyzing the issues. They rarely peel away the onion to find the root causes to our nation's biggest, most chronic problems. Instead, they jump from every symptom to an ill begotten conclusion, and sound alarms on erroneous issues. Their diagnosis is dead wrong and their prescriptions poison.
All this keeps us from actually solving the problems we really need to address, like K12 education, and how to maximize prosperity for all.
In my new book, Pimping The Poor, I prove, the claims above are a complete distortion of the truth. Our nation has some real problems to address, but like Salvador Dali, our politicos paint a warped view of reality. Their frightening view of the world makes us doubt the good things we once knew to be true about our people and our nation. This divides us, fuels animosity, and gets us to make decisions based on emotions instead of reason, or what is best for All Americans.
It is frustration to watch. Each side prefers to look for who to blame instead of focusing on what is causing these problems. The Left condemns one set of citizens; the Right attacks another. It's politically powerful, but it gets all of us, nowhere. Worse, they make it seem like the only way to survive is to support their particular policies, their ideologies, and their campaigns.
When it comes to problem solving, both sides merely scratch the surface. They are not properly analyzing the issues. They rarely peel away the onion to find the root causes to our nation's biggest, most chronic problems. Instead, they jump from every symptom to an ill begotten conclusion, and sound alarms on erroneous issues. Their diagnosis is dead wrong and their prescriptions poison.
All this keeps us from actually solving the problems we really need to address, like K12 education, and how to maximize prosperity for all.
I am out to show people the truth. I believe once the public understands what is really causing our problems, they too will realize; these people are either idiots, or we are deviously getting PIMPED!
If their actions were harmless, I would not care. Unfortunately, their policies and programs do great damage to the people I care about most - the next generation, the poor, and our middle class. Our nation has things to fix, but these ridiculous notions hurt our people and mutilate our nation. Their pseudo-solutions kill jobs and destroy prosperity. They push millions of Americans down, instead of letting them rise. They make it more difficult for us to live well and raise a family. If any of their claims - much less all of them together - were true, I too would be calling for a "new" economic system. Instead, I wrote a couple of books to help All Americans see the TRUTH. |
Pimping The Poor proves how badly the "experts" have gotten it. Like witch doctors, they propose cures with no understanding of the real source of the ailment. The deeper you go, the more you will wonder if it is intentional; simply done for political power and personal gain. I promise you, if you read this book, you will never look at these issues, the media, or politics the same way ever again.
The direction we take, matters. Today’s choices impact the future. We will either propagate poverty, or deliver abundant prosperity. The right path begins with a crystal clear analysis of the root causes to these issues, and ends with innovative (and logical) solutions that help all of us win.
If you are ready to impact our nation's chronic socioeconomic problems, and stop swaying back and forth between the failed programs of the Left and the Right; I encourage you to read my book, learn more about The All American Movement (WeAreAllAmerican.org), and help our people soar in a new direction, UP!
The direction we take, matters. Today’s choices impact the future. We will either propagate poverty, or deliver abundant prosperity. The right path begins with a crystal clear analysis of the root causes to these issues, and ends with innovative (and logical) solutions that help all of us win.
If you are ready to impact our nation's chronic socioeconomic problems, and stop swaying back and forth between the failed programs of the Left and the Right; I encourage you to read my book, learn more about The All American Movement (WeAreAllAmerican.org), and help our people soar in a new direction, UP!
Pimping The Poor is the Freakonomics of today's socio-economic debate! You will be blown away to learn how much America's most respected Politicians, Professors, and Pundits have missed. |
What You Don't Know Could Destroy The Dream
What if just about everything you heard on the news from popular politicians, professors and pundits was wrong? I mean dead wrong, on just about every socio-economic issue. I believe they are, and I will show you, item by item, how poisonous their misdiagnosis is, what the data really tells us,
and what the remedies are. You will not be able to read these books and look at politics, economics, education reform, or what you see on the news the same way ever again. Pimping The Poor is the most interesting, controversial, and enlightening diagnosis of America's biggest problems to date. |
Somethings Never Change...
There is an old story out of India called “The Elephant and the Blindmen.” As the story goes, a group of blind scholars comes across an elephant. One grabs the leg and calls it a pillar. Another professes the tusk is a spear. Each feels a different part of the animal and insists only they have correctly identified the creature. They bicker for hours, but never recognize the animal for what it is.
This timeless tale reminds me of today’s politicians, professors and pundits. They are just as mistaken, just as argumentative, and just as annoying. For more than a decade, we have been told a series of lies (or at least misinformation) that makes people believe our nation is falling apart. We are being told daily that poverty is on the rise; the shrinking middle class spells the end to the American Dream; the system is rigged and racist; worker pay is completely unfair; and unbridled capitalism is the cause to growing inequalities.
Nothing could be further from the truth. Unless we continue to let them run rough shot on our nation, the end is not imminent. Today’s politicians, and pundits have either badly misdiagnosed our biggest problems, or they are using fear, uncertainty and doubt to mislead and divide us for political gain. Their “Us vs. Them” battle gets us nowhere. There are better ways to better days. All Americans can win, just not with the proposals of the day.
This timeless tale reminds me of today’s politicians, professors and pundits. They are just as mistaken, just as argumentative, and just as annoying. For more than a decade, we have been told a series of lies (or at least misinformation) that makes people believe our nation is falling apart. We are being told daily that poverty is on the rise; the shrinking middle class spells the end to the American Dream; the system is rigged and racist; worker pay is completely unfair; and unbridled capitalism is the cause to growing inequalities.
Nothing could be further from the truth. Unless we continue to let them run rough shot on our nation, the end is not imminent. Today’s politicians, and pundits have either badly misdiagnosed our biggest problems, or they are using fear, uncertainty and doubt to mislead and divide us for political gain. Their “Us vs. Them” battle gets us nowhere. There are better ways to better days. All Americans can win, just not with the proposals of the day.
A Little Humor, A Little PerspectiveA new take on the old parable of "The Elephant and The Blind Men." Our updated version includes modern politicians and pundits that you should know and love (or hate)! Our version, "The Six Men of Washington" uses humor to show how modern partisanship keeps the experts from seeing better ways to All American prosperity. Posters and Tee-Shirt are available.
How I Got Involved...
My name is Dave Cary, founder of The All American Movement (WeAreAllAmerican.org), and author of two important new books. I consider myself blessed. I was raised by loving, Great Depression era parents; I got to tag along with three awesome big brothers; and had a fabulous childhood. We were taught early the value of hard work and a rigorous education. I loved basketball and got to grow up in two worlds – a predominantly white working-class suburb, and the mostly black playgrounds and projects downtown. I was mentored by, got to play with and against, NCAA and NBA champions. It was then a unique, but truly All American experience. I would not change it for the world.
I married my college sweetheart. She is shining star, renaissance woman, and unbelievable mom. We are an interracial couple; and proud parents to two “All American Boyz.” For imagery, my wife is a beautiful ballerina like Misty Copeland, who by day, doubles as a college professor. Our sons, now grown, like me played a lot of basketball, but are ironically, lookalikes to a couple of famous football players, Colin Kaepernick and Russell Wilson.
By day, I get to play in the exciting field of high-tech robotics. I work with just about every imaginable industry and have helped people complete world renown products and projects. The idea of automation scares many, but the career gives me unique perspectives on the future of work, and how to help all of us prosper.
I never thought I would get so involved in the issues. I thought coaching hoops, and forming a local life skills and sports camp, called Blackbelt Basketball, would be my way of paying it forward.
That changed when our local school district completely failed academically and fiscally, and a half-dozen of the kids, we coached, got shot, in separate incidents, by other teens, and one, tragically, was even killed. May this good young man, rest in peace.
By day, I get to play in the exciting field of high-tech robotics. I work with just about every imaginable industry and have helped people complete world renown products and projects. The idea of automation scares many, but the career gives me unique perspectives on the future of work, and how to help all of us prosper.
I never thought I would get so involved in the issues. I thought coaching hoops, and forming a local life skills and sports camp, called Blackbelt Basketball, would be my way of paying it forward.
That changed when our local school district completely failed academically and fiscally, and a half-dozen of the kids, we coached, got shot, in separate incidents, by other teens, and one, tragically, was even killed. May this good young man, rest in peace.
To add fuel to my fire, our city government went bankrupt, and The Great Recession hit our town, and our state, hard. Like many, I lost my job, and worried we too, would lose our home. We struggled for a while, managed to get by, and eventually recovered. More recently, we have largely avoided the pain of the pandemic, but grasp the seriousness, and empathize with all impacted.
Along the way, I read the papers and watched the news. I began to notice major discrepancies between the data shown, and the way it was being presented. Our politicos were completely misrepresenting the problems. It got worse. These ridiculous notions were parroted by other politicians and media outlets until they became – no matter how wrong they were – dogma.
I started writing corrective editorials to local and national publications. A few got published, but by and large, the most important pieces were left out (possibly to avoid being embarrassed). In the end, I decided to collect my thoughts, write down what I saw, and bring these truths to All Americans.
But, why in the world should you listen to me, instead of all the experts on TV? A wise man once said, “You can’t read the label, while you are in the jar.” Sometimes, it takes someone on the outside to see what is really happening. A person’s background and their unique experiences can help them see things most others miss. I am convinced; this is one of those cases.
In addition to a strong engineering background, I spent a number of years as a quality manager and mastered the methods of three of the world’s best problem solvers. I am not saying I am special, but I know what works, and I have a history of resolving intrenched problems others could not dent.
You see, everyday problems (like changing a tire), and chronic problems (like poverty), require different toolkits. Doctors know you can’t cure an ailment unless you correctly diagnose the cause. The same is true for challenging problems like the issues examined so deeply in this work.
My advice is to be careful who you listen too; myself included. We as humans, naturally, tend to listen to the most passionate, instead of those that know how to recognize and heal, what ails us. Try to remember that most of our “leaders” are under pressure, and jump from a symptom to “solution” before finding the cause. As a result, most politicos prescribe potions that poison their patients, us.
This book makes it easy. Anyone can follow the analysis, the logic, the reasoning, and the results. It is sure to make you reevaluate many of your beliefs. I believe it will also help you see that we can, in fact, impact our problems, and that there are better ways to better days...for All Americans.
The Truth Will Set You Free...
What Would Happen To Our Economy, Joblessness, and Poverty
Would it create millions of American jobs, make our nation competitive again, and foster an unprecedented BOOM? And, create The All American Super Economy? Would it not address American poverty and end debates about fairness, the rich, and wealth inequalities? Would immigration even be a concern?
What if we led the world in K12 educational outcomes, too? Would our children's and America's future be brighter? The All American Jobs Plan separates political propaganda, myth, and dogma from truth - and shows you new solutions that will help All Americans achieve The Dream. Please feel free to chime in and tell others. |
Help Spread Truth
I have spent considerable time, energy and money trying to bring you and All Americans a better diagnosis, and real remedies to some of our nation's biggest, most chronic problems.
I have found it very difficult to get the media to share this information with the public (hence the book and videos). It costs money to spread the word. If you appreciate the effort and the information provided, I would sincerely appreciate you buying these books, wearing our gear, and letting your friends (and enemies) know about it.
I have found it very difficult to get the media to share this information with the public (hence the book and videos). It costs money to spread the word. If you appreciate the effort and the information provided, I would sincerely appreciate you buying these books, wearing our gear, and letting your friends (and enemies) know about it.
Design Your Own Fun Fashion
If you like the cartoons you can now get them on a shirt or create your own All American apparel and have it shipped to you in a few days. Click the image below or go to our store for these and other All American products.
The Truth (and The Power To Solve Our Biggest Issue)
The Choice Is Yours America... The Power of Suggestion or
What Do You See?
Does It Depend On What You've Been Told? |
If you see photos of elderly women and then look at the sketch below...you are much more likely to see it as a drawing of an old woman - even though it is can also be seen as a beautiful young woman (if this is new to you, try to see both). This is a great example of how impressionable the human mind is - especially when it is socially beneficial (cool) to see things one way or another. Right or wrong, we tend to see what we told to see - even if it is not in our best interest.
Modern politicians and pundits are using this power of suggestion, to convince us that the causes to America's economic and social woes are something very different than what is really causing the bulk of our problems. I will show you how they are misinterpreting the data, and therefore prescribing poison, instead of the proper remedies. In the videos below, we show you alternative images (to the same data, but looked at with a bit more intelligence). I believe this new analysis will help open your eyes to the full truth, and help you better understand why I propose a very different set of solutions than what either side proposes. It is one of the longer videos, because it dispels a series of misinformation that's now dogmatically accepted as fact. I have seen many people become highly defensive after seeing this video analysis, almost religiously so. But, if you can keep an open mind, and think for yourself, I think you will find this analysis extremely thought provoking and appreciate this new perspective. Enjoy, and feel free to chime in on our site. |
An Overview of The Chapters
The images below highlight some of the books chapters and most interesting topics. We take on dozens of today's most talked about topics, and show how our leaders have completely misdiagnosed the real causes to our nation's biggest most chronic socio-economic problems. Pimping The Poor promises to make you think. I am confident you will see more logical explanations, and better ways to solve issues like poverty, wealth inequalities and the shrinking middle-class. By the time you are done, you will learn how to move America UP, and how we can create The All American Super Economy. Enjoy.
Coming Soon... |
The Formula For A Revolution![]()